Custom My Account Dashboard for WooCommerce

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Turn the default WooCommerce “My Account” pages into a full-featured, modern dashboard for customers: add widgets for  orders, wish lists, rewards points, downloads, and store credit. Display a Quick Access section so users can jump to any section of their account, and display purchases and downloads in an easy-to-scan table so that customers can view all their recent activity at a glance.


  • Customize the My Account page for store users.
  • Enable widgets for orders, downloads, wish lists, and more.
  • Quick Access: Display large icons for commonly-accessed links.
  • Display avatar and user info in an attractive widget.
  • Showcase recent downloads, orders, etc. in a table.
  • Create new endpoints with respect to user roles.
  • Choose from multiple layouts for My Account page menus.

Customize My Account pages for better UX

Enrich the customer experience by adding easy-to-use navigational links.

Display My Account sections visually

Show customers their orders, downloads, wish lists, reward points, and more in eye-catching, attractive cards.

Enable Quick Access

Help customers find what they need fast with icons that offer quick access to their account info.

Display key customer info in tables

With a custom My Account dashboard, you can display the recent orders, downloads, wish lists, and more in a table so customers can see all their interactions with you in one compact spot.

Display profile info with a widget

Encourage customers to keep their profiles up to date by displaying their info in a customizable widget.

Create additional endpoints

With My Account, you can create new endpoints based on user roles. You can edit the content of endpoints with a ,WYSIWYG editor and include links.

Update account pages with a shortcode

You can display the revamped My Account dashboard in the default dashboard tab by just copying the shortcode (i.e., [account_dashboard]).


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