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FooSales for WooCommerce is a secure point of sale (POS) extension for your online store that turns any web browser into a cash register.
FooSales makes it easy to sell your products and run your business from anywhere in the world while automatically updating your WooCommerce product inventory, orders and customer data. It allows you to manage and process physical orders on-the-fly by connecting to your WooCommerce database. FooSales for WooCommerce is perfect for retail stores, markets, pop-up shops, mobile events and many others.
Built for WooCommerce
FooSales is designed and built to work natively with WooCommerce and connects to your store using the official WooCommerce REST API. By connecting directly to your WooCommerce database, there is no need for any third-party bridging software or middleware which can cause syncing issues and often adds extra cost and complexity.
Process Orders
Create and submit new orders directly through an intuitive interface. Order notes can be added to each order and optionally emailed to the customer. WooCommerce coupon codes can be entered at checkout and prices can be manually adjusted for individual products. Taxes are automatically calculated based on your WooCommerce tax rates and class settings (store base, customer billing address or customer shipping address). Orders can be filtered in the WooCommerce back-end and the order source is displayed on the order detail page. This allows you to tell which orders were placed on your online store and which came through FooSales.
Capture Payments
Accept cash as payment or manually process orders using a third-party card machine of your choice. FooSales for WooCommerce does not limit you to a specific service provider. You can, therefore, use any card processor that suits your needs in terms of cost and availability.
Print & Ship
WooCommerce invoices are automatically emailed to customers once their order has been processed. Invoices can be printed manually with most wireless desktop printers. Automatic receipt printing is currently supported for the Star Micronics TSP100/143IIU and Epson TM-T20II thermal receipt printers (support for additional devices coming soon).
Scan Barcodes and Manage Stock
Scan any barcode using a compatible USB or Bluetooth barcode scanner and FooSales will immediately identify a product or variation with a matching product ID or SKU. Keep track of stock quantities in WooCommerce and automatically stop selling products when inventory runs out.
Engage Customers
Create profiles for your customers so that you can learn more about their shopping habits and view their contact info and order history at a glance. Customer data is automatically synced with your WooCommerce store so their order history can be referenced or tracked.
Safe and Secure
FooSales for WooCommerce leverages the many strengths of WooCommerce which includes secure, regularly audited code and tools. All your store, customer and order data remain on your web server. It is never transmitted or stored on any third-party servers.
Q: Does FooSales for WooCommerce work anywhere in the world?
A: FooSales for WooCommerce works in any country that WooCommerce supports. FooSales for WooCommerce is currently available in English only.
Q: How long does the FooSales for WooCommerce setup process take?
A: FooSales for WooCommerce is essentially an extension of your WooCommerce website so you have already done all the hard work!
Q: Can I run FooSales for WooCommerce on any computer?
A: Yes! FooSales for WooCommerce runs in most modern web browsers including Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Microsoft Edge.
Q: How difficult is it to setup FooSales for WooCommerce as I’m not very technical?
A: The FooSales for WooCommerce setup process is very easy. The most technical part is installing the FooSales for WooCommerce WordPress plugin and connecting your WooCommerce store to FooSales. The first time you use FooSales for WooCommerce, you might need some help generating your Consumer Key and Secret Key to connect your website to FooSales.
Q: Can I use FooSales for WooCommerce to manage multiple WooCommerce websites?
A: Yes, if you purchase a multi-domain subscription.
Q: Does FooSales for WooCommerce store my data or transmit it to any third-parties?
A: FooSales for WooCommerce connects directly to your WooCommerce database using a secure API which fetches your store data (customers, products and orders). None of this information is saved or passed on to any third-party servers, including our own.
WooCommerce handles all the eCommerce functionality and payment processing in exactly the same way as your online store.
FooSales for WooCommerce complies with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for added peace of mind.
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